XGrayMan: Hello. Is that you Nick? Naraht: hey! XGrayMan: Any word from Mike or Kendra? Naraht: Yeah, I think they got caught Naraht: hey you're in Paris France, right? XGrayMan: Really? Who did you hear from, Mike or Kendra? Naraht: Kendra XGrayMan: What did she say? Is everything ok? Naraht: No, everything is not ok...but listen Naraht: I got a map leading to Deap Throat in Paris France XGrayMan: I was afraid of that. This has gone far enough. Looks like I'll have to intervene. Naraht: Ray XGrayMan: I have to ask you something very important. Do you want to become a member of The Alliance, Nick? We could use you. Naraht: Sure XGrayMan: Good to hear it. I have something for you to see. I think it will clear up a few things. Naraht: OK, Cromwell XGrayMan: You're very sharp. We should talk. Naraht: =] XGrayMan: I have to mobilize a few individuals to the Provo area. We'll talk later. Naraht: Alright XGrayMan: Auto Response: I am currently occupied by something other than my computer. Be back later.