thesilentprtnr: Did you get my voice mail? Naraht: no Naraht: my sound card's busted thesilentprtnr: I left a voice mail in your Alliance window. You can listen to it later. Have you had any interactions with your allies yet? Naraht: a couple thesilentprtnr: I see. Keep trying. In any event, EA will likely announce the suspension of Majestic tomorrow morning. thesilentprtnr: Then we can begin. Naraht: I tried listening, but my sound card's busted thesilentprtnr: When you've received the suspension notice, I'll contact you again with more information. Naraht: ok, but my saound card's busted Naraht: e-mail me thesilentprtnr: Right now it's essential that you get to know your Allies. You need to determine who can be trusted. Naraht: yeah yeah Naraht: do you know Jim? thesilentprtnr: That's all I can say right now. In the morning things will start to become clearer. And please don't contact EA. That would only complicate things. Naraht: how? thesilentprtnr: Auto Response: Sorry, I'm currently unavailable to chat.