thesilentprtnr: Looks like the shit has officially hit the fan. Naraht: oh? thesilentprtnr: Have you seen the TV news clip about the fire? Naraht: nope, I just woke up thesilentprtnr: The NOTICE in your Alliance window has a link to follow. I suggest you check it out when we're done here. Naraht: ok thesilentprtnr: I just wanted to make sure you saw the news clip. Naraht: Sir yes sir! thesilentprtnr: If you're wondering about what to do next, getting to know your allies is your best bet right now. Naraht: yeah, you said that yesterday thesilentprtnr: Good luck, Nick. Naraht: So, what's your name? thesilentprtnr: Auto Response: Sorry, I'm currently unavailable to chat. Naraht: and how do you know mine? thesilentprtnr: Auto Response: Sorry, I'm currently unavailable to chat.