GrifterMike: Nick? Naraht: Hey, did you get the picture? GrifterMike: I can't believe it. This photo... Electron Labs... the letters... it's all real. Naraht: looks that way GrifterMike: Huh... Interesting. Who the hell is this asshole Deep Throat? Maybe if we find out what this bug thing is Naraht: well, if you send me $15 I'll be of even more help GrifterMike: Anyway, I know this bio-physicist at U of Chicago... Howard Deakins. I'll send it to him... maybe he can tell us what it is. Naraht: oh, that'll work too Naraht: I'd rather have $15 though GrifterMike: I'll ask Kyle to update the homepage with some info on the good Prof, so you can check him out for yourself. Later. Naraht: bye GrifterMike: Auto Response: I am currently away from my computer.